Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Los Angeles and it's big mouth......

Once again the people of LA and Southern California have opened their big mouths without thinking of the consequences. The Mayor of LA, oh what's his face, wanted to punish LA for the Law they passed in both houses and then sent to the governor's desk. Now Arizona is asking, if you want to cut off money from our state maybe our state should cut off electricity from your state.

And it's summer coming up people, we need all the electricity we can get. But did LA and all it's illegals think of that, no their to narrow minded and petty. They should also consider cutting off their water as well. Or at least reclaiming their portion, which has been sent to Mexifornia for the last 5 decades.

Now will LA give in of course not! They'll go to court saying they can't do that. I wonder who owns Hoover Dam? Maybe Nevada & Arizona could get together a teach Los Angeles a real lesson.

And that's my 2 cents.....

Monday, May 17, 2010

Now Come On!

Now guys I have to say something about the fact that most of the Arizona protester's are marching with signs written in Spanish and waving Mexican flags. If you really want to be a part of this country and share in it's wealth and prosperity, then put down your Mexican flags and protest in English.

On a happier note, I booked my daughters flight to see her Aunt in Virginia this summer. Not a long trip, but well worth the $$$ since she hasn't seen her in 19 years. Beautiful country, but way to humid for me, I'm a western boy. Which means nothing East of New Mexico. Oh, I'll visit for several weeks, but not in the summer, it may be only 90 degrees, but have 90% humidity and that's a killer. We get like 11% humidity in the winter here, now that's more like it. Of course the hottest place for me was Arizona in August @ about 121 degrees, but it was a dry heat.

And how can you make love to your wife with humidity so high? Really, answer me that, it's no wonder every redneck East of Arkansas childless. I would be, I guess it'd be so hot you'd stick together. LOL Anyway, That's my 2 Cents

Friday, May 14, 2010

Another day in LA

Ok, so today I had the chance to visit a W.I.C. center and was amazed to see all the people coming in and out to get their free vouchers for free milk and other items that are paid for in large part by me the tax payer. They were talking on cell phones and driving nice cars most of them. And I had to ask myself, if you are in need of milk for your baby why not sell your car and cell phone before you pry open my checkbook?

You are so Entitled in this country, you think I owe it you! We do not owe your anything. Work for it. Anyway, that's my 2 cents. On a side note Latin women are the most beautiful women in the world.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

To my Western Neighbor.


Where to start, don't the police have enough to do without checking people's Passports? Isn't that the job of our President and his government, (I didn't vote for him). Where does it end people, could I go to Mexico and any other Latin American country and wander free without my Passport, NO! People get over it, let the people of Arizona, repeal that law on their own. Stay out of their business.

On a brighter note, got my new iPad this week and it rocks, just make sure you don't "Auto-Sync" it with your iTunes. Do it manually, it's more fun anyway. And stay away from the Apple Store unless your have a whip & chair, there's like 300 people in the store at all times. I have it on good authority that Apple actually buses in people, when they think the store is going to be empty. It's the truth, I heard it on the Internet, so it must be true.

And that's my 2 cents, or at least that's all I'll have left after Obama get's done.